Living in a fast paced world, we tend to get caught up on reaching our destinations. Seeking with every inch of our being the happiness and contentment we think the destination will bestow upon us. On a Thursday afternoon I was pondering on the things that were missing in my life. I felt that along my journey I had lost the fire burning in the depths of my core. This didn’t sit well with me. Whilst analysing my thoughts I came to the same realisation I had reached many times before… the magic is not in the destination but within the journey.
Suddenly Sun In Scorpio came to me. A platform that shares the many thoughts that run through our minds on a daily basis, although every individuals situations are different. Fundamentally, we’re all seeking similar things. In a world that allows us to contact so easily, why are we finding it harder and harder to connect? Not only to others but also to our truest self.
My intention with Sun In Scorpio is to provide you with an authentic take on life and all its buried treasures. I will be bringing you along on my journey of self-revelation, love and fulfilment. I hope you can take inspiration from my words and if not, I hope SIS provides a safe place for you to connect.
From my heart to yours,
My name is Shannon, I have grown up in a small town not too far from London.
Young in years but old in soul, I have always felt the desire to help those who seek my guidance. Whether that be straightening out the bullies at school, offering a help in hand to anyone in need or discussing ‘taboo’ subjects on my social platforms. I am here to inspire others to embrace themselves fully. I find fulfilment in being unapologetically myself and using my unique abilities to bring out the light in others; even when they can’t see it themselves.
As a child and teen, I spent many years wishing to grow up, acting older than I was, wanting to partake in activities that I had no business being in. Although I don’t regret any aspect of my life, I realised that I was oblivious to the habitual behaviours that were dimming my light.
I have spent majority of my adult life dedicated to ridding myself of all of the limiting beliefs both myself and the world have placed on me as a being. This journey has been painful but completely necessary. I have delved deep into the traumas of my life and worked courageously to heal them.
I now use the skills I have acquired to guide others to a place of self-acceptance and authenticity. Re-wiring our minds and healing the trauma deeply rooted in our vessels, is no easy task. But with a little, love, dedication, and devotion; I will assist you in leading the way back to fulfilment.
Hesitant to book a session?
Why not take a look at some of my free blogs to get an understanding of my mind and abilities.
I hope to see you soon!